About Us

Edu Life is an organization that focuses on education for all humanitarians across the world. The organization is managed by a committee of businessmen, philanthropist and UN intergovernmental body ambassadors. Literacy has been defined as: The ability to read, write and use numeracy, to handle information, to express ideas and opinions, to make decisions and solve problems, as family members, workers, citizens and lifelong learners. There are several of children as well as adults across the world today who do not have access to education due to lack of infrastructure, monies and government support. We as an organization have associated with several schools, universities, corporates, education institutes, charities, governments and individuals who are supporting our cause of educating children by sponsoring the distribution of educational material, books, tablets, e-books, e-library and scholarships.


Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed research. Education is an important part of preparing individuals to enter the workforce. Many jobs require a person to have basic writing and math skills, as well as computer skills. Education provides people with a better understanding about the world they live in, and this helps them interact with family, friends and co-workers. An education also gives people basic skills to survive in the world, including numeracy and literacy skills. It helps them better communicate and work with others. Education helps a person accurately and safely perform his job duties. Another important part of education is knowing how the government works. This helps people make informed decisions and interpret current news events. Learning critical thinking skills helps people to make decisions that affect their everyday lives. Some people believe that education is important because it helps people learn how to love, live and work.


If you want to lead a happy life and enjoy the good things the world has to offer, you certainly need to get educated. A great job, a good social reputation are few of the many benefits of being an educated person. Education is a must for a promising and secure future and a stable life.

For a happy and stable life

If you want to lead a happy life and enjoy the good things the world has to offer, you certainly need to get educated. A great job, a good social reputation are few of the many benefits of being an educated person. Education is a must for a promising and secure future and a stable life.


An educated person has more chances of landing up a good high paying job. Everybody wants a good life but the good life!. It may be called as the “root of all evil “ but most people will agree that money is important for survival in today‘s world. The more educated you are, the better career options you have!


If we want to see the world as a just and fair place where everyone is given equal opportunities, education is what we require. Education is a must if we want to do away with the existing differences between different social classes and genders. It opens a whole world of opportunities for the poor so that they may have an equal shot at well paying jobs. Education also plays a major role in women empowerment

Makes you self dependent

Education is very important if you want to be a self dependent person. It helps you become financially independent but that is not all. Education also makes you wiser so that you can make your own decisions

Turns your dreams into reality

What is your dream, your aim in life? Do you want to become rich? Do you want to be popular? Do you want to be an extremely successful person who is respected by people? Well, the key to all this is education. Of course there are exceptions, like sportsmen who don‘t really owe their success to their education. However in most cases, your degree is what helps you realize all your dreams.

Makes the world a safer and more peaceful place

Education majorly affects our understanding of the difference between right and wrong. An educated person is well aware of the consequences of wrong/illegal actions and he is less likely to get influenced and do something which is not legally/morally right. Also, a number of uneducated people who live a poverty stricken life owning to lack of opportunities often turn to illegal ways such as theft and robbery to solve their problems. If you are educated, you are well aware of your rights, the law and your responsibilities towards the society. Hence, education is an important factor which contributes in social harmony and peace.


We all live in a society which has its own set spoken/unspoken rules and one of them is education. The society expects you to go to school followed by college, get a job, settle down etc. In fact education helps you become a useful member of the society. An educated member certainly has a greater chance to contribute to his community. Education helps you become an active member of the society and participate in the ongoing changes and developments.